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Usually, Helm charts come with a set of Helm tests that can be run to test the deployment of the application. Big Bang requires some additional tests to verify integration is working as expected. By adding additional tests, the goal is to verify that the package is functioning. For example, we may want to validate that

  • The HTTPS endpoint can be reached
  • The admin user can login using the configured (or randomized) password
  • A non-admin user can be created and can login
  • Data can be stored and retrieved from the database
  • Artifacts can be stored and retrieved from the object storage
  • Interactions with other services/packages works


  • Package helm chart with CI settings pointing to one of bigbang’s package pipelines


Bigbang provides a library helm chart called Gluon to help simplify the process of creating both cypress and script helm tests.

To use this library the following needs to be added to either your chart/Chart.yaml or chart/requirements.yaml (NOTE: the latest version can be found here):

  - name: gluon
    version: "0.2.5"
    repository: "oci://"

Once this is saved the following commands need to be run on your helm chart to add the dependency:

helm dependency update chart

(NOTE: helm cli version 3.7.0 or above is needed)

Then in your chart/values.yaml add values for bbtests, any variables used, and default it to false:

# Bigbang helm test values default disabled
  enabled: false
    artifacts: true
      cypress_url: 'http://{{ template "podinfo.fullname" . }}.{{ .Release.Namespace }}.svc.cluster.local:{{ .Values.service.externalPort }}'
      URL: 'http://{{ template "podinfo.fullname" . }}.{{ .Release.Namespace }}.svc.cluster.local:{{ .Values.service.externalPort }}'

(NOTE: At the package level we are pointing to the service and service port instead of the istio virtual service because istio isn’t enabled by default. At the bigbang test level we will point to the virtualservice url because istio will be present.)

We will enable these tests in tests/test-values.yaml:

  enabled: true

Cypress test💣

Now we need to add the cypress gluon template yaml to chart/templates/tests/cypress-test.yaml:

{ { - include "gluon.tests.cypress-configmap.base" . } }
{ { - include "gluon.tests.cypress-runner.base" . } }

We need to add a cypress test to chart/tests/cypress/podinfo-health.spec.js:

describe('Basic Podinfo', function() {
it('Check Podinfo is accessible', function() {

(NOTE: This is basic cypress test that will visit the cypress_url defined in values.yaml. For more information on cypress tests visit here)

We also need a cypress.json config file with any cypress configurations we need placed chart/tests/cypress/cypress.json:

  "pluginsFile": false,
  "supportFile": false,
  "fixturesFolder": false

Script test💣

Now we need to add the script gluon template yaml to chart/templates/tests/script-test.yaml:

{ { - include "gluon.tests.script-configmap.base" . } }
{ { - include "gluon.tests.script-runner.base" . } }

We need a script to run chart/tests/scripts/

set -ex

echo "-----------------------------------------"
echo "BEGIN podinfo jwt test"
echo "-----------------------------------------"
TOKEN=$(curl -sd 'test' ${URL}/token | jq -r .token) &&
curl -sH "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" ${URL}/token/validate | grep test
echo "-----------------------------------------"
echo "END podinfo jwt test"
echo "-----------------------------------------"

More information on cypress tests and creating tests with scripts for testing non-UI portions of an app can be found here


To validate these changes and view the cypress test we can create a merge request with these changes and a pipeline will automatically kick off deploying our package and running the helm tests. Artifacts of these tests (screenshots and videos) are stored in the Clean Install, Upgrade, and Integration Test Jobs. Just click one of the jobs and there will be job artifacts on the right pane.

Last update: 2022-08-18 by Micah Nagel