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Development k3d cluster automation💣

NOTE: This script does not does not install Flux or deploy Big Bang. You must handle those deployments after your k3d dev cluster is ready.

The instance will automatically terminate in the middle of the night at 08:00 UTC.

Install and Configure Dependencies💣

  1. Install aws cli
curl "" -o ""
# sudo apt install unzip -y
sudo ./aws/install
rm -rf aws
aws --version
  1. Configure aws cli
aws configure
# aws_access_key_id - The AWS access key part of your credentials
# aws_secret_access_key - The AWS secret access key part of your credentials
# region - us-gov-west-1
# output - JSON

# Verify configuration
aws configure list
  1. Install jq
    Follow jq installation instructions for your workstation operating system.

  2. Mac users will need to install the GNU version of the sed command.


The default with no options specified is to use the EC2 public IP for the k3d cluster and the security group.

./docs/assets/scripts/developer/ -h
AWS User Name:
Usage: -b -p -m -d -h

 -b   use big M5 instance. Default is t3.2xlarge
 -p   use private IP for security group and k3d cluster
 -m   create k3d cluster with metalLB
 -d   destroy related AWS resources
 -h   output help

To use a different AWS profile, VPC, or AMI💣

The script uses the default AWS profile and defaults the VPC id and AMI id. To change this default behavior you can export environment variables before running the script.

Run the script with a specifc AWS profile by first exporting the AWS_PROFILE environment variable

export AWS_PROFILE=my-aws-profile

To run the script with a specific VPC


To run the script with a specific AMI


After Running The Script💣

Follow the instructions from the script output to access and use the cluster.

Install FluxCD💣

The Big Bang product is tightly coupled with the GitOps tool FluxCD. Before you can deploy Big Bang you must deploy FluxCD on your k8s cluster. To guarantee that you are using the version of FluxCD that is compatible with the version of Big Bang that you are deploying use the Big Bang provided script. You will need your Iron Bank pull credentials and command line access to the k8s cluster from your workstation.

./scripts/ -u your-user-name -p your-password


  1. If you are on a Mac insure that you have GNU sed command installed. Otherwise you will see this error and the kubeconfig will not be updated with the IP from the instance.
copy kubeconfig
config                         100% 3019    72.9KB/s   00:00
sed: 1: "...": extra characters at the end of p command
  1. If you get a failure from the script study and correct the error. Then run script with “-d” option to clean up resources. Then re-run your original command.

  2. Occasionally a ssh command will fail because of connection problems. If this happens the script will fail with “unexpected EOF”. Simply try again. Run the script with -d to clean up resources. Then re-run your original command.

Last update: 2022-08-03 by Micah Nagel